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Social Justice Readings

Social Justice Readings


Abraham, M. (2019). Sociology and social justice. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Ageing, Diversity and Equality : Social Justice Perspectives (2017). (1st ed.). Routledge. 10.4324/9781315226835

Ammon, U. (2005). Sociolinguistics an international handbook of the science of language and society = Soziolinguistik : ein internationales Handbuch zur Wissenschaft von Sprache und Gesellschaft. Volume 2 = 2. Teil (2nd ed.). Mouton de Gruyter. 10.1515/9783110171488.2

Arthur, N. (2018). Counselling in cultural contexts identities and social justice (1st ed.). Springer International Publishing. 10.1007/978-3-030-00090-5

Capeheart, L., & Milovanovic, D. (2020). Social Justice: Theories, Issues, and Movements (Revised and Expanded Edition). Rutgers University Press.

Comas-Días, L., & Torres Rivera, E. (2020). Liberation psychology : theory, method, practice, and social justice. American Psychological Association.

The digital divide at the nexus of social justice, media justice, and ethics (2018). . Emerald Publishing.

Evans, S. Y., Domingue, A. D., & Mitchell, T. D. (2019). Black women and social justice education : legacies and lessons. SUNY Press.

Evans-Santiago, B. (2020). Mistakes we have made : implications for social justice educators. Myers Education Press.

Gonzales, E. (2020). Exhibitions for social justice. Routledge.

Gray, K. L., & Leonard, D. J. (2018). Woke Gaming : digital challenges to oppression and social justice. University of Washington Press.

Hess, K., Igneski, V., & Isaacs, T. L. (2018). Collectivity : ontology, ethics, and social justice. Rowman & Littlefield International.

Kulbaga, T. A., & Spencer, L. G. (2019). Campuses of Consent Sexual and Social Justice in Higher Education. University of Massachusetts.

Lazarus, S. (2018). Power and Identity in the Struggle for Social Justice Reflections on Community Psychology Practice (1st ed.). Springer International Publishing. 10.1007/978-3-319-99939-5

Lund, D. E. (2018). The Wiley international handbook of servicelearning for social justice. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Obiakor, F. E. (2020). Valuing other voices : discourses that matter in education, social justice, and multiculturalism. Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Panagiotopoulou, J. A., Rosen, L., & Strzykala, J. (2020). Inclusion, education and translanguaging : how to promote social justice in (teacher) education?. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. 10.1007/978-3-658-28128-1

Riekki, R., Riekki, R. A., & Scarpino, A. (2019). Undocumented : Great Lakes poets laureate on social justice. Michigan State University Press.

Smith, D. A., & Langman, L. (2018). Twenty-first century inequality & capitalism : Piketty, Marx and beyond. Brill.

Social Justice (2020). . Rutgers University Press.