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Dissertation & Thesis Conference


The Dissertation & Thesis Conference was held October 24-26, 2024. Most of the sessions were recorded and are posted on this page. Some sessions also include the power point slides, or links to additional resources.

Use the navigation menu on the left to go to the session you are looking for, or scroll down the page.

Panel: Student Reflections and Perspectives

Dissertation and Thesis Conference Opening Session

IRB Panel

Supervision and Ethics in Publishing: Perspectives From a Student and Supervisor

Work Hard, But Also Smart

The Literature Review Process

Best Practices in Qualitative Research and Writing

Citation Management

The Final Draft: Key Elements to Consider in Chapters 3 & 4

Recording not available for this session

An Exploration of Theory

Research Dissemination: Mastering the Manuscript Preparation Process

Ai and the Dissertation Process: Ethics and Literacy

Ai and the Dissertation Process: Live Demo "How To"

Data Analysis and Data Clean Up

Basics of Quantitative Research and Data Management

Poster Session