Funders are increasingly requiring grant applicants to submit data management plans (DMPs) with their grant proposals, in an effort to promote data sharing and responsible stewardship of data by researchers. Funder requirements have been compiled on a number of web pages:
For the National Science Foundation, note that each directorate has its own data management plan guidelines.
If your research is funded by a contract rather than a grant, consult with the contracting agency and refer to the terms of your contract to determine whether a data management plan is required.
Data management plans (DMPs) are documents prepared by researchers as they are planning a project and writing a grant proposal. DMPs typically address
More guidance on what should go into a DMP can be found at
DMPTool can guide you through the creation of a data management plan that will meet your funder's requirements. DMPTool is widely used by researchers at institutions around the U.S.
To use DMPTool, click on the DMPTool icon above.
Sample data management plans can be viewed at: