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Best Practices for Textbook Selection

Library Licensed Content

The library licenses a large number of eBook content from many different providers. We have access to Sage Knowledge, eBook Central, and APA eBooks (non-textbook). Library-licensed content is a great way to provide alternatives to traditional textbooks to your students that they don't have to pay additional funds for. With an expansive collection, the library can likely replace most and likely all of your traditional textbooks in all of your courses.

What if the library doesn't own something, or we want to revise our classes to use library or OER materials?

Set up an appointment with one of the librarians and talk about your plan. The library actively supports and encourages programs to move to alternative materials. In fact, we will soon have access to a new resource just for faculty called Faculty Select, which will functionally act like a storefront for library licensable content to help instructors choose materials that the library can get for their programs.

Possible Replacements for Similar Courses

Many of the Chicago Schools Programs offer courses on Dissertation Topic Development, Research Methods, Statistics, Clinical Interviewing, and more. 

We've put together some possible library-licensed materials (or OERs!) that could be used to replace the traditional textbook.

These pages aren't intended to be exhaustive but provide a general idea of some possibilities.

Where to Find Library-Licensed eBooks? 

There are multiple places where library-licensed ebooks can be searched. One of the fastest ways is to use the library's OneSearch interface, which searches approximately 98% of the library's owned and licensed content. The library has an embedded tutorial on OneSearch's landing page to help showcase how to use it, or you can also check out our guide on how-to search.

Below are dedicated platforms for easily identifying eBooks or other textbook alternatives: