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Finding Tests and Measures

Resources and tips for finding tests or measurements in behavioral sciences, business and education.

Getting Started

Illlustration of brain and paper and pencil as visual representation of mental measurement There are thousands of tests and measures, also known as mental measurements, instruments, surveys, inventories, rating scales, assessments, questionnaires, or checklists, available to students, researchers, and practitioners.

This guide will help you understand how to find information about tests,  identify a test appropriate for your project,  find a copy of a test, find psychometric properties of a test, obtain permissions, cite, and more.

Generally tests fall within into two categories:

Published (Commercially available)  --these are usually available for purchase from the test publisher. Certification or permission from the publisher may be required to view or administer these tests.

Unpublished (Non-commercially available) - may also be referred to as experimental measures. These are usually found in databases, articles, dissertations, books, the web, or may only be available by contacting the author. Sometimes tests remain unpublished and unavailable. In other words, they are described in the literature, but acquiring the test is not possible due to a variety of reasons.

Use the tabs on the left to find more information on:

Information on the Use of Tests

Testing And Assessment
From the American Psychological Association Science Directorate

FAQ: Finding Information About Psychological Tests
APA neither sells nor endorses testing instruments, but it does provide guidance in using available resources to find psychological tests.

Statement on the Use of Secure Psychological Tests in the Education of Graduate and Undergraduate Psychology Students
The Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessment (CPTA) encourages the education of undergraduate and graduate psychology students in the appropriate and ethical use of psychological tests and assessment instruments.

Overview of Finding and Using Tests and Measures

Webinar and Tutorial

In this recorded webinar, learn how to find information about tests and measures, including psychometric properties, permissions, and other information, as well as choosing a test of measure for your project, and how to find a copy of a test or measure, and more.

Video: Finding Tests and Measures in PsycTESTS