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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools and Resources

Guide to generative AI concepts & tools, considerations for use, and more.


Prompts are your input into the AI system to obtain specific results. A prompt can be a question, request, or topic posed by you, consisting of a few words, a single sentence or even paragraphs.

The quality and relevance of the generated output and the user's satisfaction in the answer is influenced by how effectively your prompt is crafted. Providing as much instruction and context as you can to a to an Ai tool like ChatGPT, will bring back a more helpful or useful output to the task you've asked.

Tips for Creating Effective Prompts

In general, when crafting prompts, it's helpful to provide context, be as specific as possible, and then revise or build on your initial prompt as you may not get a perfect response or output in the first try.

Details and context to consider including when crafting a prompt:

  •  Tone

  •  Length

  •  Voice (e.g. empathetic, optimistic, authoritative...)

  •  Avoid words that can have multiple meanings, or clarify which meaning, if possible

  •  Provide a role. A role could be, for example, "Act as an expert in [fill in the blank]." 

If what’s produced does not meet expectations: 

  • Modify your prompt by providing more details

  • Ask follow-up questions to improve the output or clarify

  • Ask it it revise the output.

  • Give examples of what you're looking for.

Learn More

Want to learn more about how to craft prompts to generate quality outputs while  demonstrating ethics and integrity and building confidence and proficiency when implementing the CLEAR framework as part of your ongoing interactions with ChatGPT? Try the free The Art of ChatGPT Interactions course available through the library's Sage Campus database!

Click on the "Register to Enroll" link to get started.

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