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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools and Resources

Guide to generative AI concepts & tools, considerations for use, and more.

Further Readings

Academic Journal Articles

AI in Higher Education:  Academic Integrity, Harmony of Insights, and Recommendations

Fowler, D. S. (2023). AI in Higher Education: Academic Integrity, Harmony of Insights, and Recommendations. Journal of Ethics in Higher Education, 3, 127–143.


Academic Integrity Considerations of AI Large Language Models in the Post-Pandemic Era: ChatGPT and Beyond

Perkins, M. (2023). Academic integrity considerations of AI Large Language Models in the post-pandemic era: ChatGPT and beyond. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(2).


An Overview of the Capabilities of ChatGPT for Medical Writing and Its Implications for Academic Integrity

Liu, H., Azam, M., Bin Naeem, S., & Faiola, A. (2023). An overview of the capabilities of ChatGPT for medical writing and its implications for academic integrity. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 40(4), 440–446.


Best Practices for Using AI When Writing Scientific Manuscripts

Buriak, J. M., Akinwande, D., Artzi, N., Brinker, C. J., Burrows, C., Chan, W. C. W., Chen, C., Chen, X., Chhowalla, M., Chi, L., Chueh, W., Crudden, C. M., Di Carlo, D., Glotzer, S. C., Hersam, M. C., Ho, D., Hu, T. Y., Huang, J., Javey, A., … Ye, J. (2023). Best Practices for Using AI When Writing Scientific Manuscripts: Caution, Care, and Consideration: Creative Science Depends on It. ACS Nano, 17(5), 4091–4093.


The Challenges and Opportunities of AI-Assisted Writing: Developing AI Literacy for the AI Age

Cardon, P., Fleischmann, C., Aritz, J., Logemann, M., & Heidewald, J. (2023). The Challenges and Opportunities of AI-Assisted Writing: Developing AI Literacy for the AI Age. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 86(3), 257-295.


Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence in Education

Nguyen, A., Ngo, H. N., Hong, Y., Dang, B., & Nguyen, B.-P. T. (2023). Ethical principles for artificial intelligence in education. Education and Information Technologies, 28(4), 4221–4241.


Fighting Reviewer Fatigue or Amplifying Bias? Considerations and Recommendations for Use of ChatGPT and Other Large Language Models In Scholarly Peer Review

Hosseini, M., & Horbach, S. P. J. M. (2023). Fighting reviewer fatigue or amplifying bias? Considerations and recommendations for use of ChatGPT and other large language models in scholarly peer review. Research Integrity and Peer Review, 8(1), 4–4.


Leadership is Needed for Ethical ChatGPT: Character, Assessment, and Learning Using Artificial Intelligence

Crawford, J., Cowling, M., & Allen, K.-A. (2023). Leadership is needed for ethical ChatGPT: Character, assessment, and learning using artificial intelligence (AI). Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(3).

Online Articles

AI Literacy Might Be ChatGPT's Biggest Lesson for Schools


AI Literacy: Definition, Teaching, Evaluation and Ethical Issues

Ng, D. T. K., Leung, J. K. L., Chu, K. W. S., & Qiao, M. S. (2021). AI Literacy: Definition, Teaching, Evaluation and Ethical Issues. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science & Technology58(1), 504–509.


Artificial intelligence - Reasoning, Algorithms, Automation | Britannica

Copeland, B. (2023, July 7). artificial intelligence. Encyclopedia Britannica.


What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?  |  Google Cloud

Google. (2023). What is artificial intelligence (AI)? What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?  |  Google Cloud Retrieved 07/09/23


What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ? | IBM

IBM. (2023). What is artificial intelligence (AI)?. What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ? | IBM Retrieved 07/09/23


The Boring Future of Generative AI | WIRED

Knight, W. (2023) The boring future of generative AI. The Boring Future of Generative AI | WIRED. Retrieved 07/09/23

Libraries and Ai

Research Organizations

Below are a few research groups formed for additional research in the field.

Black in AI

Black in AI is a place for sharing ideas, fostering collaborations and discussing initiatives to increase the presence of Black people in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Distributed AI Research Institute
The Distributed AI Research Institute is a space for independent, community-rooted AI research, free from Big Tech’s pervasive influence.

MIT - IBM Watson Lab

A community of scientists at MIT and IBM Research who conduct AI research and work with global organizations to bridge algorithms to impact business and society.

Stanford AI Lab

The Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL), a center of excellence for Artificial Intelligence research, teaching, theory, and practice since its founding in 1963, promotes new discoveries and explores new ways to enhance human-robot interactions through AI; all while developing the next generation of researchers. 

The Alan Turing Institute

The Alan Turing Institute, headquartered in the British Library, London, was created as the national institute for data science in 2015, and in 2017, artificial intelligence was added. The Institute is named in honour of Alan Turing (23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954), whose pioneering work is considered to be the key disciplines comprising the fields of data science and artificial intelligence.