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Faculty Test Kit Information

Tests and the Fiscal Year

During the budget planning cycle, the library plans for the usage of psychological tests and measures for the new fiscal year. 

This cycle begins well ahead of the standard budget planning cycle, given the complexity of the library budget and the amount of data that needs to be collected to accurately prepare a budget that will meet the demands of the university community.

For reference, the library starts planning its budget on October 1st. 

The planning cycle includes proposals for new test and measure purchases and fiscal planning around expected single-use or consumable usage needs based on department information. During this budget planning cycle, departments are responsible for informing the library of their needs for the upcoming fiscal year.

The library provides a planning form for departments that must be submitted no later than December 1st. This gives the Library time to appropriately price out all items before the close of the budget planning cycle.

All departments utilizing tests and measures must complete the form below no later than December 1st. Failure to provide this information will result in probable inventory shortages.