Video captions allow users to access the full content of your video. This benefits:
- Deaf and hard of hearing users
- Users without access to speakers or in loud spaces
- English Language Learners
Create your video from a transcript
- write out everything you are going to say before you create the video
- Can be used for adding captions to the video
- Your transcript can accompany the video, as a separate file. A text transcript will enable people who use screen readers to access the content. You can make your transcript even more accessible by describing the visual elements. Additional benefits: your transcript is searchable
Caption your video
- Current accessibility standards require captioned videos
- Most video creation software includes built-in captioning features but you can also create them online using HCC EduTube or YouTube (further directions below under Resources for Accessible Videos)
- Librarians have access to Screencast-o-matic which also creates captions
- For HCC EduTube-specific directions, see the HCC EduTube on the menu to the left
- Watch Jenn Stidham demonstrate the captioning process on HCC's EduTube.