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Library Accessibility

Top Tips for Accessible PDFs


PDFs that are just scanned images of book pages are not accessible, since a screen reader cannot read the words on the page. Making a document machine-readable enables:

  • Screen reader users to access the content
  • Users to search the contents of the PDF, and copy and paste from it


Create Accessible PDFs from Microsoft Word Documents or PowerPoint
  1. Follow steps for creating an accessible document using Word or PowerPoint
  2. Save as an Adobe PDF
  3. Identify the document language
  4. Use the Touchup Reading Order feature
Create Accessible PDFs from Scanned Documents

This requires Adobe Acrobat X Pro, which is available on staff computers maintained by HCC IT

  1. Use Adobe Acrobat Pro to automatically OCR scanned documents. OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, will convert the image into text that is machine-readable and searchable.

Resources for Accessible PDFs

Example PDFs