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Poster Presentations

Format and Layout

There are some general rules to follow ensure that your poster is as effective as possible. The layout of a poster can make a big impact on how well it is received by others. There are a few key features you'll want to include in your layout.

  • Banner

This is the section at the top which includes the title of the poster, the author(s), and the authors' affiliations. The title should be the largest text in the poster, and the author names should be the next largest. The title should be large enough for someone to read from several feet away. On a standard size print poster, this is somewhere between 96-120 pt. font.

Many students/ researchers also put the logo of their institution or department in the banner.

  • Alignment

Headings, columns, and graphics should be aligned whenever appropriate. For example, a poster is typically broken into columns. the tops of the columns should be aligned with each other, and the sections in each column should be left justified so that each paragraph is exactly at the left edge of the column.

Align graphics where possible. For example, you could align the top edge of a photo in one column with the bottom edge of a diagram in another column.

  • Balance and Spacing

Distribute the content and images in the poster so that it looks balanced. Strive to achieve an aesthetically pleasing, uncluttered look.

  • White Space

Be sure to include some white space. Too much content can actually make it difficult for viewers to read the poster.

  • Organization

How you organize the content on your poster has a big impact on how easily viewers will be able to understand it. In general, you want your content to move from left → right and top → bottom. This is the way we learn to read, so the eye naturally follows this same trajectory when viewing a poster. This means you'll want to have introductory information at the top or left side of your side, and your concluding information at the bottom or right side.

  • Consistency

Use the same fonts throughout the poster. Use similar dimensions for illustrations and photographs.  Use similar color and design elements throughout the poster.

  • Color

It's best to stick to using two of three colors. Use a contrasting color only in small amounts to create emphasis or impact.  If you're using any images, charts, or other graphics, try picking accent colors that are already included in your graphics.The text should highly contrast background color for readability. Black text on a white or pale neutral background is the easiest for people to read. Do not put text directly on a pattern or image, since that will be difficult to read.

  • Fonts

You want to pick fonts that are readable and don't distract from the content of your poster.

The font sizes you should use depends on your overall poster size as well as the amount of content in your poster, and it is somewhat subjective. If you are doing a PRINT poster (48 in. x 36 in.) here are some suggested font sizes:

  •     Title:  88 to 120 points
  •     Names and Affiliations:  70 to 90 points
  •     Major headings: 54 to 80 points
  •     Sub headings: 48 to 72 points
  •     Text: 36 to 52 points

The above are only guidelines. When you have completed a draft, take a look at your font sizes and tweak them as needed to make them look good.

If you are doing a digital poster, disregard the font sizes listed above, unless you have increased the dimensions of your slide. PowerPoint slides default to 13.3 inches wide by 7.5 inches high. You don't need to increase the slide size if you are presenting a digital poster, since the computer screen will automatically adjust the size of your slide accordingly.

  • Headings

Divide the poster into parts with major headings for each section. Make heading for each level distinct and consistent so that the viewer can easily see the structure of the content. You may also choose to add color to a level to set it apart.

Organize your information into major sections. For example, a poster describing a quantitative study might include section headings such as:

  •     Background or Introduction
  •     Purpose or Objectives
  •     Methods or Procedures
  •     Results
  •     Conclusions
  •     Lessons Learned or Future Plans

Don't feel as though you need to include all of these headings. Many students use 3-4 headings for a simple research poster. On the other hand, don't be afraid to use a unique heading where applicable. Pick headings that fit into your research and allow viewers to synthesize your content easily.

Poster Templates:

There are may sites that offer free poster templates that you can download and customize, including:

Chicago School Poster templates

These poster templates are not required, but provide a basic format that incorporates the Chicago School logos and colors. Simply download the PowerPoint template and add your research details.

For more information on Billboard Style Templates:

Images, Charts & Graphs

  • Use high-resolution images. If you are enlarging images, make sure that the images are not pixelated before printing your poster.
  • Use charts and graphs to show research results.
  • You must cite images or information used in charts and graphs if it is not your own.
  • Place images near the related text to provide context.
  • Title and caption your images to help explain their importance and relevance.
  • Do not use complex graphs or charts. Simplify these to show only the necessary information.
  • Do not use tables. Instead, create a chart or graph based on the information you need from the table.

Consider the resources below for images. Make sure to attribute all images you use. 

Stock Photo

  • Getty Images  Best for online presentations, embeddable versions of Getty photos are available royalty-free and without the Getty watermark.
  • CompFight    Image search engine that makes it easy to use images with Creative Commons licensing.

Presenting a Poster

How you present your poster may depend on the event, and whether it's in person, or virtual.

If presenting in person, consider preparing a 3-4 minute lightning talk about your research. This could be a unique experience or insight you had about your research that adds depth of understanding to what the attendee can read on your poster or it could be a quick overview of our research. Carefully consider the audience for your poster session. Unless you are presenting at a discipline specific conference, your talk should be in layman's language - don't assume your audience will understand the jargon in your discipline. You should also prepare to answer questions about your research. Practice your talk with several people from inside and outside your discipline, if possible.

Virtual poster presentations can be presented synchronously or asynchronously, depending on the event. See the page on Virtual poster presentations within this guide.


Best practices for handouts

1) Your handout should be double-sided.

2) The first side of the paper can include a replica of your poster (this can be in black and white or color). 3) The second side of the handout can include extraneous information such as your literature review, cited references, further information about your topic, and your contact information. Your handout can be a single sheet or 1/2 sheet of 8 1/2 by 11 inches.

Three questions to ask yourself when designing a poster

  •     What is the most important/interesting/astounding finding from my research project?
  •     How can I visually share my research with conference attendees? Should I use charts, graphs, photos, images?
  •     What kind of information can I convey during my lightning talk that will complement my poster?