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Poster Presentations

What is The Chicago School Research Forum?

The Chicago School Research Forum is an annual conference focusing on student research and professional development. Participation in this event is open to students across all academic levels (Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral)! The goal of the Research Forum is to connect students with other members of the campus community to foster collaboration and further the sharing and development of ideas. The Research Forum emphasizes the interconnectedness of research and practice to provide students with practical experience with poster presentations.

The Chicago School Research Forum welcomes projects from all subject areas related to professional psychology and behavioral sciences. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:

•    Mental Health
•    Identity and Culture
•    Education Innovation
•    Health Education and Outreach
•    Leadership and Training
•    Child and Adolescent Development

Posters on all topics, including those outside the above subject areas, are welcomed and encouraged!

Why should students participate in the Research Forum?

From classroom experience to service learning to dissertation research, Chicago School students are continually engaged in work that both informs and is informed by research. The Research Forum provides an opportunity for students to:

•    Communicate research projects at different stages of development—from formulating a research question to presenting completed research – in an inclusive school setting
•    Address direct questions about research projects to enhance critical thinking skills
•    Increase speaking and writing skills to utilize at future professional conferences
•    Revitalize resumé or CV with presentation experience to increase marketability during the job search process

The Research Forum is an opportunity for all current Chicago School students to get experience in presenting their research. Additionally, prizes will be awarded to the top participants with the highest scores for their research projects!

Go to the Chicago School Research Forum website for more information on:

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