The database is a streaming video resource with a broad collection of over 26,000 films. Use the browse feature to find films and documentaries related to disabilities, and other topics.
Academic Video Online: Premium consists of more than 70,000 streaming video titles spanning a wide range of subjects including art, anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.
Alexander Street Press Videos has a more powerful search interface than Academic Video Online Premium.
For easier browsing, click here to go directly to Academic Video Online Premium (AVON), where the following channels are available, plus many more:
"It's Our Story is a national initiative to make disability history national and accessible. We've conducted over 1,000 video interviews with disability leaders across the nation; now, we're making these voices public and accessible so everyone can take part in the discussion about what it means to be an American with a disability."
Rooted in Rights produces videos, blog posts, podcasts, and social media campaigns that center people with disabilities. "We use accessible digital media to support other advocacy work. We partner with Disability Rights Washington, Protection and Advocacy agencies, and community-led organizations to produce accessible advocacy content on disability rights issues. We train people to be agents of change."
"Interviews with the Leaders of Pennsylvania's Intellectual Disability Rights Movement. A collection of stories from advocates, self-advocates and family members who took great risks to ensure the safety and freedom of people with disabilities in Pennsylvania."
This collection is comprised of oral history interviews conducted for the multimedia historical exhibit “Patient No More: People with Disabilities Securing Civil Rights” presented by the Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability. Interviews were conducted in Spring 2014 in a shared effort by the Longmore Institute staff and students in Journalism 321and History 484 at San Francisco State University. All interviews are published with free and unrestricted public access with permission obtained from each interviewee.
Featuring a number of videos produced by the University of Delaware Center for Disability Studies. Video topics include Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Education, Employment, Events, and Health and Wellness.
The PBS video collection provides streaming access to selected documentaries and programs produced by the Public Broadcasting Service. Coverage runs from the 1970s to present day. This search returns all relevant PBS results to "disability."