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Best Bets: Top Databases for Videos in Psychology

Counseling and Therapy 
Provides a large and rich collection of video for the study of counseling, social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling. Students and scholars can study, observe, and experience a wide variety of different therapy and counseling methods and approaches as practiced by experts in their field. consists of over 200 titles of the leading practitioners in the fields of psychotherapy, counseling, social work and addiction treatment demonstrating clinical techniques and discussing their work.



APA PsycTherapy provides therapy demonstration videos specifically developed to enable viewers to observe how therapists spontaneously use different approaches and techniques in practice.


More Video Databases with Psychology Content

How to Create Video Clips in AVON

Every video that you click on will open a screen that includes a video player, the transcript for the video, and a few groups of options and tools that you can use located above and below the video player.

Above the video are links for making a shorter clip of the longer video (note: you will need to create a personal account and be logged into that account to use this feature)


Watch this video to learn how to create clips!