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Citation Management with Zotero

Add Articles, Books, and More

1.  To begin adding items to your Zotero library, start by creating a folder or collection for your items to go into using the “new collection” folder icon on the far left top of the page.


(Note:  you can organize folders by topics, names of classes, a project, etc... - choose something that works for you.)

2.  Do a search in a database (for example, Google Scholar or a library database, or website) and click the Zotero folder icon near the URL address bar to download items to your Zotero library (in Chrome and Firefox, the add to Zotero icon is on the right; in Safari, the icon is on the left).

3.   A list of all of the items on the page allows you to select the items you are interested in.

4.  If you are looking at the information for just one article, book, video, will see different download icons.  Click the icon to download the item to your Zotero library.

5.  The items you have selected will now be listed in your Zotero library along with all of their citation information.

6.  Note - You can also use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+s (on Windows) or Cmd+Shift+S (on Macs) to add items to your Zotero library.